Friday, August 25, 2006

Human Food Harmful to the Health of Animals

I found this sign on a picnic table in Yosemite National Park. It may be difficult to read in the picture, it reads:

Why is it bad to feed the animals?
Eating human food is not healthy for wildlife as their bodies don't adjust well to the salt, fat, and preservatives often found in our food. They gain weight, lose hair and become dependent on human food. In addition, predators, such as mountain lions, are attracted to areas with a concentration of well-fed squirrels and raccoons.

These words kind of smacked me right between the eyes....

Makes me ask the question; Does the human body really adjust well to the salt, fat and preservatives often found in human food?

Take a look at the people around you, it's likely you'll notice that many of them are gaining weight, losing their hair and becoming more dependent on larger amounts of "human" food.

Interesting, there has been a significant increase of mountain lion attacks on humans in recent years as well. (that may just be a coincidence)

Perhaps just as disturbing, this sign was paid for by a "donation" from the Coca-Cola Company which, of course, is prominently displayed on the sign. One of the worlds largest purveyors of processed "human" food donates to save the animals, with money raised by selling products that destroy the health of those that can actually pay for their products. (now that's just good marketing)

This one states that Human food will ruin their health and encourage unnatural behavior.

Perhaps we should take a lesson from those interested in preserving wildlife and make an effort to preserve our own healthy life.

Choose to eat foods that are closer to the way they would appear in the wild; lean meats, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts and avoid the processed "human" foods.

Eating more like nature intended will certainly help you avoid weight gain, hair loss, unnatural behavior and a number of other unexplainable ailments... it might even save you from being attacked by a mountain lion.

If you need help understanding exactly which foods will improve your well-being, check out my new eBook.


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