Monday, June 26, 2006

Decide and Do It!

I just looked outside my window and noticed three birds sitting on my fence.

If one of those birds decided to fly away, how many birds would there be on the fence?

I ask a question similar to this very often. About 98% of the time I get the same answer... "There would be two birds left on the fence"

I'm sorry! Try again.

The answer is... All three of the birds are still on the fence. I said that the one bird decided to fly away, but the mere decision to fly doesn't mean that he actually did anything about it.

This is an important distinction because, all to often, we decide to do things and then think that we have failed when we don't get the result we wanted. When in reality there was no action taken that could have moved you closer to the outcome you wanted.

How about this situation....

You decide you're going to go on a diet and lose some weight this month. End of the month comes around and you really don't see the weight loss you were expecting, so you tell yourself that diets just don't work.

If you look back, you will probably find that your "decision" was followed by weak actions that lasted no more than a day or two.

Good decision does not equal a better outcome. A Good decision plus committed action creates a successful outcome.

Practice making better decisions by realizing that a decision doesn't mean anything unless you actually do something about it.

In my book STOP WORKING OUT! I explain this process in detail as well as some specific actions that you can take toward your decision to create a healthier, better looking body.

Never leave the site of a decision without acting upon it!


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