Saturday, July 01, 2006

Are You Looking for Problems?

My wife and I went out to play golf this morning. We both tee'd off and hit shots that had less than desirable results. Since we didn't get to the course in time to warm up, we both decided to take a "mulligan" and hit another ball off the tee.

We arrive at our playable balls in the fairway, when a woman drives up to us in her cart and exclaims "if you guys are going to be taking practice shots, then we are going to catch up to you and be "pushing" you, when that happens you will need to let us play through." (we were playing as a twosome and they were two couples playing as a foursome, which under almost any circumstance would make their play take longer. There was also a group directly ahead of us.)

Of course there is nothing wrong with asking a slower golfer ahead of you to let you play through, but the fact that she had made an assumption that we would be slowing their round and made the effort to voice her concerns in such a condescending manner, made me think.....

What benefit do any of us have in assuming a problem and spending time or effort to solve it before it materializes?

At that point the only thing you have done is put yourself in a mindset to look for problems.

If the problem never happens you have wasted your time and energy, and perhaps you have involved someone else in your negative views.

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you start consciously looking for something, you see it everywhere? Like that new car that you have "never" seen before, suddenly you see them all over town.

If you spend your time looking for problems, you will most certainly find them.

Given this choice, I suggest that you invest your time looking forward to more positive outcomes.

Remember, you tend to find what you pay attention to. With a positive focus you are far less likely to find yourself with problems at all. If you do run into something problematic, you will have the ability to quickly find a positive solution and move forward effectively.

Focus on what you want!

You will be much more likely to end up with exactly what you want, and you will certainly be living you life with much less wasted time and energy.


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